Maximum residue level for propamocarb
- Food safety
- Pesticide MRLs
The European Commission has informed the World Trade Organization Sanitary and Phytosanitary Measures (WTO SPS) Committee that it intends to lower the maximum residue level (MRL) for propamocarb on lettuces (G/SPS/N/EU/801).
EU proposes to lower MRL for propamocarb on lettuces
Draft Commission Regulation amending Annexes II and V to Regulation (EC) No 396/2005 of the European Parliament and of the Council as regards maximum residue levels for dimoxystrobin, ethephon and propamocarb in or on certain products
Draft Annex (PLAN/2024/1305 R2 DRAFT)
Commission Regulation (EU) 2024/1439 of 24 May 2024 amending Annexes II and III to Regulation (EC) No 396/2005 of the European Parliament and of the Council as regards maximum residue levels for fenazaquin, mepiquat and propamocarb in or on certain products
The European Commission has informed the World Trade Organization Sanitary and Phytosanitary Measures (WTO SPS) Committee that it intends to lower the maximum residue level (MRL) for propamocarb on lettuces (G/SPS/N/EU/801).
Impacted Products
Lettuces, honey, and other apiculture products
What is changing?
The EU proposes to lower the MRL for propamocarb on lettuces from 40 to 20 mg/kg.
Earlier in 2024, the EU raised the MRL for propamocarb on honey and other apiculture products from 0.05 to 15 mg/kg.
Following an application for the MRL for propamocarb on honey to be modified, EFSA (2023) concluded that the proposed amendments are acceptable and do not signify a risk to consumer safety.
In its reasoned opinion on honey, EFSA observed that the current MRL for propamocarb on lettuce might lead to the acute reference dose (ARfD) being exceeded (EFSA 2023). EFSA subsequently reviewed an alternative good agricultural practice (GAP) with a lower MRL which is fully supported by data (EFSA in press).
The proposed MRL on lettuce is expected to apply from approximately January 2026.
Recommended Actions
Feedback on the EU's proposal (G/SPS/N/EU/801) closed on 3 February 2025.
Suppliers of lettuces should review their use of propamocarb and assess whether any changes will be needed to existing GAP to ensure compliance with the new MRL.
MRLs are set in accordance with the rules set out in Regulation 396/2005. For information on current MRLs for other substances, please consult the EU Pesticide Residues database.
EFSA (2023) Modification of the existing maximum residue level for propamocarb in honey. EFSA Journal, 21: e8422.
Draft Commission Regulation as regards maximum residue levels for dimoxystrobin, ethephon and propamocarb in or on certain products
Draft Annex (PLAN/2024/1305 R2 DRAFT)
Commission Regulation (EU) 2024/1439 as regards maximum residue levels for fenazaquin, mepiquat and propamocarb in or on certain products
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EU proposes to lower MRL for propamocarb on lettuces
Draft Commission Regulation as regards maximum residue levels for dimoxystrobin, ethephon and propamocarb in or on certain products
Draft Annex (PLAN/2024/1305 R2 DRAFT)
Commission Regulation (EU) 2024/1439 as regards maximum residue levels for fenazaquin, mepiquat and propamocarb in or on certain products
What is changing and why?
The EU proposes to lower the maximum residue level (MRL) for propamocarb on lettuces from 40 to 20 mg/kg, following concerns about the safety of the current MRL.
Earlier in 2024, the EU raised the MRL for propamocarb on honey and other apiculture products from 0.05 to 15 mg/kg.
Feedback on the EU's proposal (G/SPS/N/EU/801) closed on 3 February 2025.
Suppliers of lettuces should review their use of propamocarb and assess whether any changes will be needed to existing good agricultural practices (GAP) to ensure compliance with the new MRL.
The new MRL on lettuces is expected to apply from approximately January 2025.
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