

Últimas noticias sobre las políticas agroalimentarias de la UE que afectan a los países de ingresos bajos y medios


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AGRINFO Update 36 (2024) 16 Oct 2024

This issue reports on the EU's proposed delayed Deforestation Regulation, country risk "benchmarking", fish tariff quotas tied to sustainability, and the EU-Guinea-Bissau Fisheries Partnership Agreement. It also covers the fourth list of recognised organic control bodies, antimicrobial compliant countries, EFSA support for novel/traditional foods to be brought to the EU market, and new regulations on additives, pesticide residues, and poultry quotas.

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AGRINFO Update 35 (2024) 01 Oct 2024

This issue highlights a new annual survey on unfair trading practices, an opportunity to gain an understanding of how non-EU operators are affected; a new AGRINFO resource on how countries are responding to the EU Deforestation Regulation ; a Regulation clarifying rules on mustard allergen labelling; the European Parliament’s rejection of the EC proposals on MRLs for a range of pesticides; and a quarterly trade digest summarising recent developments in EU trade negotiations and policy.

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AGRINFO Update 34 (2024) 17 Sep 2024

This issue includes proposed bans of the flavouring 4-methyl-2-phenylpent-2-enal, and of herbal preparations containing hydroxyanthracene derivatives. Countries that are members of the World Trade Organization have opportunities to comment on both proposals. The EU has put forward a further list of organic control authorities/bodies that it intends to recognise under the new organic compliance regime, which again is open for feedback. Note also some new EU pesticide approvals.

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AGRINFO Update 33 (2024) 03 Sep 2024

This issue includes the latest organic control bodies authorised by the EU to certify organic production in non-EU countries. The EU proposes to allow organic production of de-alcoholised wine, and to clarify the requirements for certain animal products to enter the Union. There are opportunities to provide feedback on these proposals, and on the proposed non-renewal of tritosulfuron. Updates on private standards cover SA8000 Standard for Decent Work (feedback invited), and GLOBALG.A.P. IFA v6.

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AGRINFO Update 32 (2024) 13 Ago 2024

This issue lists several new Regulations that are coming into force following earlier public consultation. New opportunities to send feedback to the World Trade Organization on organic production and pesticides, including proposed amendments to the maximum residue levels for dithiocarbamates (covering maneb and mancozeb, among others).

It also includes the June summaries of RASFF and plant health (EUROPHYT) interceptions, and reports on non-compliances with EU food law and agri-food fraud.

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AGRINFO Update 31 (2024) 23 Jul 2024

This issue highlights publication of the Corporate Sustainability Due Diligence Directive, which will be applied piecemeal from mid-2027 to mid-2029. New regulations have also come into force on priority pests and animal health certificates and there is opportunity for feedback to the WTO on proposed reductions in MRLs for acetamiprid.

In this issue we are pleased to announce that translations are now available in French and Spanish.

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AGRINFO Update 30 (2024) 10 Jul 2024

This issue includes EU plant health interceptions and developments in EU trade policy. The EU has issued new approvals and withdrawals for certain pesticides and feed additives, and clarifying maximum contaminant levels. It includes opportunities for feedback on new EU organic rules and WTO proposals on pesticide MRLs and food additives. Note the list of non-EU countries meeting new EU antimicrobial requirements; several must submit declarations by 3 Sept 2026 to avoid trade disruption.

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AGRINFO Update 29 (2024) 26 Jun 2024

This issue highlights opportunities to provide feedback on upcoming initiatives, including a proposed derogation for exporting organic produce to the EU. It features a first report on private standards, inviting public feedback on GLOBALG.A.P.'s new Environmental Sustainability Solution, affecting certification in fruit, vegetables, and crops. New regulations, including extra controls on high-risk products entering the EU, and updates on Green Deal and Farm to Fork timeframes, are included.

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AGRINFO Update 28 (2024) 11 Jun 2024

This issue covers new marketing rules from 2026, including stricter origin labelling for honey, a new reduced-sugar fruit juices category, and higher mandatory fruit content in jams. New restrictions are introduced on tartaric acid and tartrates (E 334–337, E 354) from December 2024. Provide feedback through WTO and EU consultations on proposals like MRLs for isopyrazam and olive oil analysis methods. New model certificates for animal product exports to the EU apply from 15 June 2024.

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AGRINFO Update 27 (2024) 28 May 2024

This issue is on the EU’s introduction in June of additional controls on imports of certain foods from Burkina Faso, India, Indonesia, Sri Lanka, Uganda and Vietnam due to potential health risks. It highlights opportunities for feedback on the EU’s new approach to managing listeria risks in ready-to-eat foods; and on proposed MRLs for thiacloprid. Newly published Regulations include revisions to market standards for olive oils, and amended MRLs, aligning EU MRLs to Codex MRLs for six pesticides.

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AGRINFO Update 26 (2024) 15 May 2024

This issue highlights the opportunities to give feedback on new EU proposals on food additives, plant health, and official controls. New regulations on food and feed safety, animal health, and communications from the EU on unfair trading practices and guidance documents are highlighted. It introduces a monthly report on RASFF notifications, where EU authorities share information on food or feed posing health risks due to contaminants.

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AGRINFO Update 25 (2024) 23 Abr 2024

This issue includes the latest changes to EU MRLs for a number of pesticides and other contaminants. We highlight an opportunity to send feedback to the EU by 8 May on proposed changes to food safety criteria for Listeria monocytogenes. See also the February summary from the European Commission of notifications of non-compliances with EU law, including suspected agrifood fraud and pesticide MRLs exceedances.

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AGRINFO Update 24 (2024) 09 Abr 2024

This new issue details Europe's latest regulatory updates. In March, the EU progressed toward finalizing new packaging rules and due diligence requirements for large companies, integrating human rights and environmental obligations. This issue covers recent trade negotiation updates and forthcoming EU public consultations for influencing regulations. Additionally, the European Food Safety Authority invites data submissions for reviewing maximum residue levels (MRLs) for 10 substances.

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AGRINFO Update 23 (2024) 22 Mar 2024

This new edition includes significant policy updates, as the EU is proposing for the first time to set maximum permitted levels of nickel in a variety of foods, notified to the WTO, together with proposals on the review of certain food additives, and withdrawal of approval of the pesticide acibenzolar-S-methyl. There are also possibilities to provide feedback into two policy areas: the introduction of stricter rules on plastic food contact materials, and an evaluation of animal health rules.

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AGRINFO Update 22 (2024) 07 Mar 2024

Recently adopted regulations include changes in the frequency of import controls on certain food plants. There are opportunities to provide feedback to the World Trade Organization on proposals to withdraw feed additives, and on changes to mustard seed allergen labelling. You can also send feedback to the EU on a proposal to amend pesticide MRLs related to radish leaves. AGRINFO UPDATE explains how to send feedback and highlights the deadlines.

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AGRINFO Update 21 (2024) 21 Feb 2024

This new edition includes some important policy developments concerning the EU’s Sustainable Use [of pesticides] Regulation, new genomic techniques, and a ban on bisphenol A (BPA) in food contact materials. Also highlighted are several new sanitary and phytosanitary (SPS) regulations coming into force, and proposed pesticide MRL changes that have been notified to the World Trade Organization (WTO).

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AGRINFO Update 20 (2024) 06 Feb 2024

This issue includes the updated public health list of countries that can export animal products to the EU, as well as the latest authorisations of feed additives. Also important to note are several pesticide MRL changes including two new import tolerances, and proposed changes where there is still an opportunity to give feedback to the World Trade Organization on the potential implications for exporting countries.

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AGRINFO Update 19 (2024) 26 Ene 2024

This edition covers key EU trade policy updates and new regulations on animal welfare, particularly regarding live animal transport conditions. It also discusses proposed changes to permitted levels of mycotoxins in cereals, necessitating increased monitoring and control by exporting countries. Links are provided for commenting on these changes and non-renewal of certain pesticides through the World Trade Organization.

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AGRINFO Update 18 (2024) 17 Ene 2024

This issue reports on additional EU controls on imports of certain foods from Bangladesh, Egypt, India, Madagascar, Pakistan, Sri Lanka, Thailand, Türkiye, and Vietnam due to concerns about potential health risks. The EU’s new Observatory on deforestation and forest degradation provides public access to satellite maps to support operators in demonstrating that commodities are “deforestation free”. And the European Commission has notified the World Trade Organization

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AGRINFO Update 2023 #17 20 Dic 2023

This issue reports on additional EU controls on imports of certain foods from the listed countries due to concerns about potential health risks. The EU’s new Observatory on deforestation and forest degradation provides public access to satellite maps to support operators in demonstrating that commodities are “deforestation free”. And the European Commission has notified the World Trade Organization of changes to MRLs on cypermethrin.

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AGRINFO Update 2023 #16 05 Dic 2023

The European Parliament’s November meetings resulted in the surprise rejection of the Commission’s proposal for a revised Sustainable Use of Pesticides Regulation, and agreed negotiating positions on two major Green Deal initiatives: the ban of products made with forced labour, and sustainable packaging. The European Commission has notified the World Trade Organization of MRL reductions on widely used pesticides including carbendazil and deltamethrin.

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AGRINFO Update 2023 #15 21 Nov 2023

In this issue, we give information on proposed changes that have just been notified to the World Trade Organization (WTO) where there is an opportunity for exporting countries to give feedback. We also highlight the new Regulations coming into force, including MRL changes related to two insecticides – oxamyl and indoxacarb – that are extensively used worldwide on fruit and vegetables.

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AGRINFO Update 2023 #14 31 Oct 2023

This issue highlights proposed changes where feedback to the EU and the World Trade Organization (WTO) is currently open. In particular, the public consultation on the effectiveness of current EU Regulations on unfair trading practices is an important opportunity for exporters who sell directly to EU buyers to share their experience and views.

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AGRINFO Update 2023 #13 10 Oct 2023

In this issue, we report on the continuation of preferential trade for GSP countries, and the European Parliament’s vision for a new EU protein strategy. We highlight two proposals on food flavourings that are open for comments to the WTO SPS Committee. There are also new Regulations on pesticide MRLs, food additives, organic and animal health controls, and Ukraine import restrictions.

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AGRINFO Update 2023 #12 19 Sep 2023

This issue gives an update on the status of significant policies and Regulations being developed under the EU Green Deal and outlines the European Commission’s ambition to revise the EU’s animal welfare rules. It also provides details about new Regulations on composite products, pesticide MRLs, and feed additives.

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AGRINFO Update 2023 #11 31 Ago 2023

Of particular importance in this newsletter is the reminder that national authorities must provide information on antimicrobials before November in order for countries to be able to continue exporting livestock and animal products to the EU. We also highlight upcoming opportunities to engage with the EU and give your input on new EU policies and regulations.

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AGRINFO Update 2023 #10 28 Jul 2023

In this issue, we highlight new World Trade Organization notifications, indicating where and when exporting countries have an opportunity to comment on proposed changes to MRLs and the use of food additives. There are also new regulations that concern exports of some vegetables and cereals, including plant health rules to manage fall armyworms. Finally, our explanatory document on the EU organic regulations has been updated with links to FAQs recently published by the European Commission.

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AGRINFO Update 2023 #09 05 Jul 2023

Of particular note in this issue: the European Commission has published a Frequently Asked Questions document clarifying its recently published Deforestation Regulation. There is an important opportunity for non-EU countries to provide feedback on a proposal to stop the export of pesticides that are not authorised in the EU, and to comment on a proposal to reduce the MRLs for eight active substances including prochloraz, a fungicide widely used on avocados, papayas, cereals and oilseeds.

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AGRINFO Update 2023 #08 13 Jun 2023

This week saw the publication of three Regulations that may have significant implications for exporters: on deforestation-free commodities and products, affecting operators in the cattle, cocoa, coffee, soya and wood value chains; reducing MRLs for phosmet, a widely used insecticide, particularly on apples, citrus fruit and peaches; and increasing official controls on a range of products from specific origins.

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AGRINFO Update 2023 #07 26 May 2023

The most significant developments in this issue include the upcoming reinforcement of requirements for exporters of animal products regarding prohibited antimicrobials; withdrawal of approval of the pesticide ipconazole; and some new novel and traditional foods. There is an opportunity to submit comments to the World Trade Organization on proposed adaptations to some hygiene rules for meat, fish, milk and eggs.

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AGRINFO Update 2023 #06 10 May 2023

The most significant developments in this issue include proposed new requirements for countries exporting honey to the EU, and updates to EU marketing standards. In each case there is an opportunity to submit comments on the proposals to the WTO.

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AGRINFO Update 2023 #05 20 Abr 2023

Commission proposes rules on substantiating and approving environmental claims – EU to put in place stricter specifications for glycerol food additives – EU carries out evaluation of Feed Additives Regulation – EU investigation finds that 46% of honey on the European market is suspected of being adulterated – EU prohibits targeted fishing of southern bluefin tuna by EU vessels – EU has not renewed approval of the active substance oxamyl – and more

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AGRINFO Update 2023 #04 30 Mar 2023

EU does not intend to renew approval of the active substance dimoxystrobin – New EU rules to reduce deforestation related to production and import into the EU of cattle, cocoa, coffee, palm oil and soya – EU lowers maximum levels of arsenic in some types of rice, and fixes new levels in some rice products, infant foods, fruit juices, and salt – EU authorises sale of roasted makhana and dried kenari nuts – and more

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AGRINFO Update 2023 #03 10 Mar 2023

Where policies and regulations are still under development, opportunities to provide feedback and influence the process are highlighted. This includes upcoming regulatory changes that have been notified to the World Trade Organization (WTO) and where there is a 60-day period during which comments or concerns about potential impacts can be submitted via the National SPS notification authority of the country concerned to the EU SPS Enquiry Point.

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AGRINFO Update 2023 #02 23 Feb 2023

Where policies and regulations are still under development, there are opportunities to comment and influence the process. For example, the item below on the amended EU rules on food contact materials has been notified to the World Trade Organization (WTO). Following a notification, there is a 60-day period during which stakeholders can send any comments or concerns about potential impacts to the WTO via the National SPS notification authority of the country concerned.

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AGRINFO Update 2023 #01 03 Feb 2023

EU proposes revisions to wine labelling – EU increases official controls on food and feed from certain non-EU countries – Proposed new regulation revising the generalised scheme of tariff preferences (GSP) – The EU’s blue economy strategy explained – Changes notified to World Trade Organization – New Regulations coming into force and application dates

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