Maximum residue levels for benalaxyl
- Pesticide MRLs
The EU has marginally reduced the maximum residue levels (MRLs) for benalaxyl (including other mixtures of constituent isomers including benalaxyl-M) on tomatoes and aubergines/ eggplants. MRLs for grapes, melons, watermelons and lettuces remain unchanged.
EU marginally reduces MRLs for benalaxyl on tomatoes and aubergines from August 2023
Commission Regulation (EU) 2023/128 of 18 January 2023 amending Annexes II, III and V to Regulation (EC) No 396/2005 of the European Parliament and of the Council as regards maximum residue levels for benalaxyl, bromoxynil, chlorsulfuron, epoxiconazole and fenamiphos in or on certain products
The EU has marginally reduced the maximum residue levels (MRLs) for benalaxyl (including other mixtures of constituent isomers including benalaxyl-M) on tomatoes and aubergines/ eggplants. MRLs for grapes, melons, watermelons and lettuces remain unchanged.
Impacted Products
tomatoes, aubergines/eggplants
What is changing?
The changes to MRLs are set out in Table 1.
Use of the active substance benalaxyl is no longer approved in the EU since 31 July 2021. However, benalaxyl-M is an active substance that is approved for use in the EU.
The EU MRL for benalaxyl takes into account authorised and safe uses of benalaxyl-M. Existing MRLs are therefore maintained for table grapes, potatoes, garlic, onions, slots, watermelons, lettuce and leeks.
The MRLs for the authorised use of benalaxyl-M on tomatoes and aubergines are lower than those previously established for benalaxyl. This Regulation amends those MRLs to reflect authorised uses of benalaxyl-M.
The new MRLs will apply from 8 August 2023.
Recommended Actions
Suppliers of tomatoes and aubergines/ eggplants should assess whether the reduction of the benalaxyl MRL from 0.5 to 0.3 mg/kg has any implications for ensuring compliance.
MRLs are set in accordance with the rules set out in Regulation 396/2005. For information on current MRLs for other substances, please consult the EU Pesticide Residues database.
Commission Regulation (EU) 2023/128
Tables & Figures

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