Tariff quotas: shrimps and food preparations
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EU increases import quotas for certain shrimps and food preparations
Commission Delegated Regulation (EU) 2023/2908 of 12 October 2023 amending Council Regulation (EC) No 32/2000 as regards the volumes of food preparations, processed shrimp of the species Pandalus borealis and certain plywood of coniferous species that may be imported under tariff quotas 09.0013, 09.0047, 09.0088 and 09.0096
The EU has increased the import quotas for certain shrimps and food preparations.
Impacted Products
What is changing?
The EU has increased the size of the following two annual quotas permitting specified imports to enter the EU at lower import duties (tariffs):
- shrimps and prawns of the species Pandalus borealis, shelled, boiled, and frozen but not otherwise prepared: increase in quota volume from 474 to 500 tonnes at 0% duty (CN codes 1605 21 10, 1605 21 90, 1605 29 00)
- other food preparations not elsewhere specified or included: increase in quota volume from 702 to 783 tonnes at 18% duty (CN code 2106 90 98).
These quotas are open to all non-EU countries that are members of the World Trade Organization (WTO). The quotas have been revised as part of the EU’s renegotiation of quotas with the USA following the UK’s withdrawal from the EU.
The new quotas came into force on 22 December 2023.
What are the major implications for exporting countries?
The increases in quotas on certain shrimps and food preparations provide marginally greater access to the EU market for these products for non-EU WTO members.
Recommended Actions
To find out how much of a quota has already been used, visit the European Commission webpage Tariff quota consultation and enter the order number for the relevant product from the Annexes of Regulation 32/2000 (omitting the decimal point). In this case the order numbers are:
- shrimps and prawns: 090047
- other food preparations: 090088.
For further information on import quotas see Import tariffs and tariff rate quotas explained.
Regulation 32/2000 provides in its Annexes a list of all quotas agreed between the EU and other WTO members (for a full list, click on “Current consolidated version”). These lists include an order number, a description of the products, the period in which the quota can be used, the volume of quota, and the reduced duty that applies when importing under that quota. These quotas are sometimes renegotiated when something happens that significantly changes the conditions of trade with the EU since the WTO Agreement of 1994. For example, a renegotiation may occur when a country joins the EU or, as in the case of the UK, leaves the EU.
Regulation (EC) 32/2000 opening and providing for the administration of Community tariff quotas bound in GATT and certain other Community tariff quotas and establishing detailed rules for adjusting the quotas
Regulation (EU) 2023/2908 as regards the volumes of food preparations, processed shrimp of the species Pandalus borealis and certain plywood of coniferous species that may be imported under tariff quotas 09.0013, 09.0047, 09.0088 and 09.0096