Últimas noticias sobre las políticas agroalimentarias de la UE que afectan a los países de ingresos bajos y medios
Mostrando 381 a 390 de 489 resultados
EU reduces MRLs for clothianidin with impacts on fruits, vegetables, cereals, teas and coffees, sugar and animal …
Non-renewal of the pesticide benfluralin for use in the EU
EU adopts corrections to some specific animal health requirements
European Commission authorises dried pili nuts on the EU market
EU amends technical rules on tariff rate quota management, with impacts on certain poultry meat quotas
EU amends maximum residue level for DDT on wild boar
EU increases MRL for sedaxane on potatoes
EU increases MRL for prosulfocarb on herbs and edible flowers
Fisheries Partnership Agreement between EU and Mauritius allocates fishing opportunities to France, Italy, Portugal and Spain
EU amends MRLs for cyfluthrin with an impact on certain fruits, vegetables and cereals