Model export certificates for live aquatic animals and animal products
EU updates some model certificates to be used by third countries to export certain live aquatic animals …
Le point sur les politiques agroalimentaires de l'UE ayant un impact sur les pays à faibles et moyens revenus
EU updates some model certificates to be used by third countries to export certain live aquatic animals …
European Commission replaces operators’ model private attestation for shelf-stable composite products containing dairy products
EU amends rules on cutting pork carcasses in relation to Trichinella testing
EU updates lists of products of animal origin, animal by-products and composite products subject to official controls …
European Commission publishes Regulation introducing maximum levels for delta-9-tetrahydrocannabinol (Δ9-THC) in hemp seeds and derived products
EU sets detailed requirements for sampling and analysis for PFAS in foods
Review of EU school fruit, vegetables and milk scheme
Nutrition labelling rules explained
European Commission establishes restrictions and warnings related to the use of monacolins from red yeast rice in …
EU introduces a carbon border adjustment mechanism targeting certain sectors (but not agricultural products)