Últimas noticias sobre las políticas agroalimentarias de la UE que afectan a los países de ingresos bajos y medios
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The new EU plant health regulatory regime brought in stricter measures targeting known pathways of serious pests into the EU. Although fresh capsicum is subject to strict controls, interceptions of imports are continuing. This document, for national authorities and capsicum export sectors, explains the evolving EU phytosanitary import requirements. It can also serve as a reference for other fruit and vegetable exports that are subject to similar special measures.
The new EU Organic legislation brings in fundamental changes, based on the principle of conformity. This FiBL case study in the Dominican Republic, commissioned by COLEAD, aims to assess the impacts of these changes, and identifies potential needs for technical assistance among producers and their trade partners.
Esta guía expone los principales requisitos que deben cumplir los productores y las autoridades competentes de los países exportadores para exportar miel al mercado de la UE. Destaca los cambios normativos importantes, incluidas las nuevas obligaciones que se deben cumplir para figurar en las listas de países y establecimientos autorizados a exportar.
The new EU Deforestation Regulation (EUDR) aims to limit the EU’s contribution to deforestation through consumption of agricultural products. African suppliers of agri-food products will be particularly impacted. This short report identifies the African countries and value chains likely to be most affected.
Los hidrocarburos de aceites minerales (MOH) son una mezcla compleja de compuestos químicos que pueden introducirse en la cadena alimentaria. Esta Guía ofrece una introducción sencilla a los MOH, los cambios normativos de la UE que se producirán en 2025, los sectores más afectados y las medidas necesarias para prepararse para las nuevas normas.
AGRINFO’s Regulatory Impact Assessment methodology highlights the countries and agricultural sectors most likely to be significantly affected by changes to EU policies and regulations. This report focuses on the African continent.
AGRINFO’s Regulatory Impact Assessment methodology highlights the countries and agricultural sectors most likely to be significantly affected by changes to EU policies and regulations. This report focuses on Latin America and the Caribbean.
AGRINFO’s Regulatory Impact Assessment methodology highlights the countries and agricultural sectors most likely to be significantly affected by changes to EU policies and regulations. This report focuses on Europe and the Middle East.
AGRINFO’s Regulatory Impact Assessment methodology highlights the countries and agricultural sectors most likely to be significantly affected by changes to EU policies and regulations. This report focuses on Latin America and the Caribbean.